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There are many different hurricane conditions that people should watch for including high winds. These conditions also include heavy rains, flooding, and flying objects.

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Q: What are Hurricane conditions that people should watch for?
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How close is a hurricane in a hurricane watch?

A hurricane watch means hurricane conditions are possible within the next 48 hours.

When the conditions for a tornado or hurricane are in favor of one the US refer this condition as a what?

When conditions are favorable for tornadoes a tornado watch is issued. However the criteria for a hurricane watch are different. A hurricane watch is issued of an existing storm is threatening an area and hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours.

Is a hurricane watch worse than a hurricane warning?

No. A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible within 48 hours. A hurricane warning means hurricane conditions are expected in the next 36 hours. So a warning indicates a greater danger.

What is the definition of hurricane watch?

A hurricane watch is issued by weather authorities when there is a possibility of hurricane conditions, including sustained winds of 74 mph or greater, within a specified coastal area within 48 hours. It is a signal for residents to prepare for the potential impact of a hurricane.

What is the difference between a hurricane watch and a hurricane alert?

Basically, a hurricane warning tells people from the radio and televisions that there is going to be a hurricane. For example in Hurricane Katrina, it was said from the radio to evacuate or if you didn't evacuate, to store loads of food and water...etc :)

What is the difference between watch and a hurricane warning?

A hurricane warning means that hurricane conditions are expected in an area within 36 hours.A hurricane watch means that hurricane conditions are possible in the next 48 hours.The term hurricane alert does not show up in the NOAA weather glossary.

If people are asked to evacuate during a hurricane watch they are being asked to?

If people are asked to evacuate during a hurricane watch, they are being asked to prepare for the possibility of evacuating if conditions worsen and a hurricane warning is issued. It is important to stay informed and be ready to leave if necessary to ensure safety.

Are hurricane watch areas usually larger than the expected damage swath?

Hurricane watches are issued for areas where hurricane conditions are possible in the next 48 hours. Some areas under a watch may or may not actually suffer significant effects because there is always uncertainty in exactly where the hurricane will go.

Is Hurricane Earl going to hit Massachusetts?

It certainly will affect Eastern Mass, though there is uncertainty as to whether there will be a direct hit on the cape. The 8am (September 2) official advisory from the National Hurricane Center puts the center of the (weakening) hurricane directly over Nantucket, and a hurricane watch remains in effect from about Weymouth (near Boston) to the Rhode Island border, with a tropical storm watch up to the NH border. These areas should be prepared for hurricane and tropical storm conditions, respectively, late Friday. Inland areas should be prepared for rain and wind, but not damaging wind levels. It is currently forecast to be around a category 2 hurricane at its closest point to land.

What is the difference between a weather watch a weather advisory and a weather warning?

A weather watch means weather conditions are favorable for a particular weather event, a weather advisory indicates that a specific weather event is expected but not as severe as a warning, and a weather warning means that a potentially dangerous weather event is imminent and immediate action is recommended to protect life and property.

What is the difference between a tornado and a tornado watch?

A tornado is a violently rotating column of air extending from the base of a thunderstorm to the ground. A tornado watch is a weather advisory that indicates that conditions in a region are favorable for the formation of tornadoes.

What should you do if a hurricane watch is issued?

You should board up windows, Remember to bring indoor items that might get blown away.