

Best Answer

Mike Shinoda:

The Glue


Spike Minoda

Chester Bennington

Chester The Molester

Chazzy Chaz

The Chemist

Joe Hahn

Mr. Hahn

Daddy Hahn


Rob Bourdon


Dave Farrell


The Phoenix

Brad Delson

Big Bad Brad


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15y ago
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12y ago


Hybrid Theory(1999-2000)

Linkin Park(2000-2009-and the years to come)

super xero, xero, hybrid theory, Lincoln park, then finally linkin park.

( Linkin park best band in the world!!!! :) Search their music up on YouTube!!!!!!! Just type in The Catalyst by Linkin Park

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13y ago

Michael Kenji Shinoda linkin park band member died on 2002 oct 4th during a motorbike accident

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13y ago

LP is their nickname

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118 I AM A LINKIN PARK FAN AND always have been

What was linkin parks first three names?

They were Xero, Hybrid Theory, and now Linkin Park.

What is the name of linkin parks vocalist?

Chester Bennington

What is the Worst Linkin Park Album?

All of linkin parks albums are great, but the worst has to be their remix album

What is Linkin Park's worst album?

All of linkin parks albums are great, but the worst has to be their remix album

What is the name of linkin parks base player?

Dave Farrel is the bassist of Linkin Park. He is famously called the "Phoenix".

Is Linkin Parks new album coming out in 2010?

Yes it is.