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Muslims believe evil people go to hell after they die, but if they truly repent and are sorry for their actions before they die they will be forgiven

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Q: What are Muslim beliefs about evil people after death?
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No. There have been evil people who were atheist, just as there have been evil people who were theists. And also plenty of good people of varying beliefs (and non-beiefs) as well. For example: I am an atheist, and I'm not evil. None of my friends are evil, and most of them are atheist as well. Though some are religious, and I know a lovely Quaker lady. Whoever told you that atheists are evil is, simply, lying to you. I wonder why they are trying to spread hatred of other human beings based only on their belief system? Now, to me, that sounds pretty evil.

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Death of Evil was created on 2009-09-30.

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Every one of them that was saved.

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The concept of the Grim Reaper varies across cultures and beliefs. In general, the Reaper symbolizes death and is typically seen as a neutral entity carrying out the natural cycle of life. It is not inherently good or evil, but rather serves as a representation of mortality and transition.