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Q: What are Nurses role in organisation of clinics and camps?
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What role did women played in the war?

womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses Improved Answer ;] In WWI womens role: Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons.

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What role did women in the war?

womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses womens role was to help as nurses Improved Answer ;] In WWI womens role: Thousands of women replaced men in factories, offices, and shops. Women built tanks and munitions, plowed fields, paved streets, and ran hospitals. They also kept troops supplied with food, clothing, and weapons.