

What are Old World terrestrial lizards?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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Agama Agama Agama

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Q: What are Old World terrestrial lizards?
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What is the composition of Mercury terrestrial or gas?

Mercury is terrestrial, a rocky world.

What is meant by the term terrestrial?

terrestrial basicly means that its from this easy example comes from the movie e.t(extra terrestrial)how was not from this world so terrestrial means from earth

How many species of lizards are there in the world?

there are about 2500 types of lizards

How old can lizards get?

it can get to live 100 to 110 years old

How many species of horned lizards are in the world?

There are currently 15 species of horned lizards.

Where do lizards live usually?

Lizards can live in a variety of places all over the world.

Are some lizards found in deserts?

Yes, the deserts around the world have a number of species of lizards.

How old are lichens?

Lichens were a component of the early terrestrial ecosystems, and the estimated age of the oldest terrestrial lichen fossil is 400 Ma.

What is the world's largest terrestrial biome?

tropical rainforest

What type of species is the lizard?

Lizards are reptiles of the order squamata. There are almost 3,800 species of lizards in the world.

How many lizards are there in the world?
