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Open Break this is when the skin is open and bone is visible, Closed Break this is when there is a break that doesn't tear the skin, Green stick this is when the bone is bent and broken on one side and lastly a Stress Fracture and this is when a fracture which is caused by to much use. Open Break this is when the skin is open and bone is visible, Closed Break this is when there is a break that doesn't tear the skin, Green stick this is when the bone is bent and broken on one side and lastly a Stress Fracture and this is when a fracture which is caused by to much use.

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Q: What are Open Closed Greenstick and stress fractures?
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What is four kinds of fracture?

Open and closed are the two main categories, depending on whether the broken bone protrudes through the skin. After that, there are greenstick breaks, stress fractures, impacted fractures, pathological fractures, spiral fractures, comminuted fractures, and epiphyseal fractures. That's about it.

What is four different kinds of fracture?

Open and closed are the two main categories, depending on whether the broken bone protrudes through the skin. After that, there are greenstick breaks, stress fractures, impacted fractures, pathological fractures, spiral fractures, comminuted fractures, and epiphyseal fractures. That's about it.

What fractures can a cat obtain in its rear legs?

Any kind of fracture that is possible to be imagined, from a greenstick incomplete nondislocated fracture to a comminuted open severely displaced fracture. The more common fractures are mid-diaphyseal (mid-shaft) fracture of the femur and the tibia, both open and closed, often displaced due to muscular contraction in reponse to trauma.

How are pelvic fractures classified?

Pelvic fractures are classified as stable or unstable, and as open or closed.

What are the different kinds of fractures?

there are many different types but the main 3 are open closed and a greenstick fracture. An open fracture is often when the bone penetrates the skin. Closed is when there is a clean break but does not penetrate the skin. a greenstick fracture is when it is only broken in one place. Almost exclusively occurs during infancy and childhood. The bending of a bone with incomplete fracture, involving the convex side only. Green stick fractures are characterized by a break in the bone which partially extends across and then along the length of the bone forming the characteristic fracture pattern for which it is named. There is also I buckle Fracture which mostly happens in children who's bones are not fully developed.

What types of fractures is the simplest type?

compound or open Comminuted Green stick Simple or closed

Why is a compound fracture piercing the skin is a more serious injury than a simple fracture?

That is a very good question! Open verses closed fractures make all the difference. In skin piercing or open fractures, you have contamination of the broken bone with bacteria. The bone infections are very difficult to treat.

What are the three types of bone injuries?

There are two main catorgories of fractures. Complete and incomplete. A complete fracture is what we would usually refer to as a break (but that is not a medical term). An incomplete fracture is a hairline fracture, when the bone is cracked or patially broken. Another incomplete fracture is a greenstick, when the bone is broken on one side causing it to bend. Some coplete fractures are the simple fracture, where the bone is broken into two, straight across. Then the oblique fracture is very similar except it is broken on an angle. The spiral fracture is broken on an angle the twisted. Compound fracture is when the bone breaks through the skin. The comminuted fracture is a multi-fragmentary fracture.

What kind of syllables in necessary?

nec-es-sar-y Closed, closed, closed, open

Show me open and closed syllables?

"Show" is open, "and" is closed. O- is open, -pen is closed. "Closed" is closed.

What are the different types of bone fractures?

There are various types of Fractures: 1. Simple fracture - does not break the skin. 2. Compound fracture - a fracture breaking the skin; also called "open fracture". 3. Greenstick fracture - a bend-like fracture in children. 4. Stress fracture - a fracture caused by repeated stress to the bone. 5. Pathological fracture - a fracture caused by underlying diseases. 6. Complicated fracture - also damaging nearby tissues. 7. Depressed fracture - skull fracture with bone forced inwards. 8. Comminuted fracture - multiple fractures and associated tissue damage to a single bone.

What is a compound fracture?

sharp broken bone ends stuck through the skin at some point during the injury. they don't necessarily stay sticking through the skin. need urgent surgery to avoid infection. also known as open fractures (closed fractures don't break the skin.