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In "Farewell to Manzanar," Papa holds strong Japanese cultural beliefs, values honor and dignity, and feels loyalty to Japan. He struggles to reconcile his Japanese identity with the discrimination and hardships he faces in America during World War II. He eventually comes to accept his new American identity while still honoring his Japanese heritage.

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Q: What are Papa's beliefs in Farewell to Manzanar?
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What is the meaning of the 5th stanza of last farewell of rizal?

The 5th stanza of "Mi Último Adiós" or "My Last Farewell" by Jose Rizal talks about the idea that even after he is dead, he will still be able to look out and enjoy the beauty of his country. Rizal expresses the sentiment that his love for his nation will live on beyond his physical existence, highlighting his enduring patriotism and dedication to the Philippines.

What is the plural form of beliefs?

The word beliefs is the plural form of the singular noun "belief".

What is the main idea of the eighth stanza of My Last Farewell by Jose Rizal?

The main idea of the eighth stanza of "My Last Farewell" by Jose Rizal is his acceptance of his impending death with courage and determination. He expresses his willingness to die for his country and fellowmen, comparing his sacrifice to a droplet of water that will vanish but leave a mark.

What is the main idea of the 6Th stanza of your last farewell?

The main idea of the 6th stanza of "My Last Farewell" by Jose Rizal is the poet expressing his love for his homeland, the Philippines. He talks about hoping that his beloved country will still remember him even as he goes into the darkness of the grave.


Rizal hid his last farewell to the Spanish authorities by writing the final message in tiny letters on a small alcohol stove with a sharp stick. This allowed him to conceal the message in a way that it wouldn't be immediately obvious to his captors.

Related questions

When was Farewell to Manzanar created?

Farewell to Manzanar was created in 1973.

How many page is the book Farewell to Manzanar?

"Farewell to Manzanar" by Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston is a memoir that contains 209 pages in the paperback edition.

What is the ISBN of Farewell to Manzanar?

The ISBN of Farewell to Manzanar is 0-913-37404-0.

Where was the book Farewell to Manzanar published and when?

"Farewell to Manzanar" was published in 1973 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.

Farewell to Manzanar what kinda relationship does the other have with Manzanar?

The relationship that the author has with Manzanar can be described as sour.

How much was Mama paid in Farewell to Manzanar?

Mama was paid a weekly stipend of $8 for working as a nurse's aide in Farewell to Manzanar.

What were the living accommodations like in the camp in Farewell to Manzanar?

The living accommodations in Manzanar were no bueno.

What does Papa do for a living in Farewell to Manzanar?

he is a fisherman

In Farewell to Manzanar What were the pickax handles used for?

The pickax handles were used as makeshift baseball bats by Jeanne and her siblings in the internment camp at Manzanar. They would use them to play baseball and pass the time in the camp.

What prison was Ko taken to in Farewell to Manzanar?

ft. lincoln

Who was Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston?

She is the author of the book "Farewell to Manzanar".

When did Papa cry in Farewell to Manzanar?

Papa cried in "Farewell to Manzanar" after returning to his home in Terminal Island to find it in ruins and realizing the extent of the discrimination and loss his family faced during their internment.