

What are Q R and S wave?

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: What are Q R and S wave?
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I believe it is the P Wave. A good way to remember is all of the Waves are in alphabetical order. P Wave, Q-R-S Waves and the T Wave

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A rational number is a number of the form p/q where p and q are integers and q > 0.If p/q and r/s are two rational numbers thenp/q + r/s = (p*s + q*r) / (q*r)andp/q - r/s = (p*s - q*r) / (q*r)The answers may need simplification.

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If a is rational then there exist integers p and q such that a = p/q where q>0. Similarly, b = r/s for some integers r and s (s>0) Then a*b = p/q * r/s = (p*r)/(q*s) Now, since p, q r and s are integers, p*r and q*s are integers. Also, q and s > 0 means that q*s > 0 Thus a*b can be expressed as x/y where p and r are integers implies that x = p*r is an integer q and s are positive integers implies that y = q*s is a positive integer. That is, a*b is rational.

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The answer is Q.

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If Q = R/S then R = QxS and S = R/Q You can easily replace the letters with numbers such as Q = 2, R = 6 and S = 3 and then write out all three equations and you'll see that they make sense.

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p/q * r/s = (p*r)/(q*s)

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It is 3*(q + p)/(r + s)

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Can the product of two rational numbers be irrational?

No.Suppose a and b are two rational numbers.Then they can be written as follows: a = p/q, b = r/s where p, q, r and s are integers and q, s >0.Then a*b = (p*r)/(q*s).Using the properties of integers, p*r and q*s are integers and q*s is non-zero. So a*b can be expressed as a ratio of two integers and so the product is rational.

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