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Q: What are Signs of fatigue swollen glands and sore muscles?
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What does cramping nausea and fatigue mean?

Cramping, nausea, and fatigue can be signs of pregnancy. These symptoms, along with tender, swollen breasts, and frequent urination are the first signs of pregnancy, after a missed period.

But does it mean that i'm pregnant?

The common signs of pregnancy include tender and swollen breasts, nausea, increased urination, fatigue, and food aversions.

What are the symtoms of mono?

Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.

What are signs for mono?

Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.

What are the signs of mono?

Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.

What causes swollen glands and burning tongue?

The glands are body structures that usuallly have two functions: to protect the body from infections, and excretion of sustances like hormons x ex. So, these glands must not to be swollen and no burning sensation in any part of our body. If these signs appear somethign wrong occurs, usually infections close to these glands. The type of infection depends of the glands localization. Oscar Ortega, MD

What are the first signs of Laryngitis?

The first signs of laryngitis include sore or raw feeling throat. It could hurt to swallow, eat or drink. An individual's throat also may feel swollen, and they may have tenderness in their glands.

What are some pregnancy signs to look for?

If you have missed your period and think that you may be pregnant there are some signs that women typically encounter. Some symptoms may be swollen or tender breasts, fatigue, darkened areolas, constipation and an increase of smell.

What are the signs of eczema herpeticum?

Eczema herpeticum is very uncomfortable. It causes a high temperature and shivering. It also makes you feel unwell and may result in swollen lymph glands.

What are some symptoms that show during an early pregnancy?

Your first signs of pregnancy most commonly include: * missed period * tender/swollen breasts * change in color of the breasts * fatigue

What are the signs for mono?

Symptoms of Mono are lack of energy, loss of apetite, fever, severe soar throat, chills, and swollen lymph glands.

What are the four signs and systoms assoociated with common lymphatic system disorders?

Enlargement of the lymph glands or nodes is common and is usually due to infection somewhere in the body. Fever, fatigue, and weight loss are also common signs in lymphatic diseases.