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Q: What are Tones and semitones in a minor scale?
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What is the order of tones and semitones in a minor scale?

Tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone + semitone, semitone.

Semitones in a minor scale?


What are tones of the scale separated by?

The tones within a scale are divided by either tones or semitones. In a major scale, the order always goes: tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. For a minor scale, in natural form, the order always goes: tone, semitone, tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone.

How do you get the major and minor scale?

(X) Minor Scale = 3 semitones below (Y) Major Scale E.G. C Minor = E♭ Major

Can a major or minor scale begin on any of the twelve semitones of the octave?


What are the half steps in a natural minor scale?

The semitones (half steps) in a natural minor scale are between the 2nd and 3rd and the 5th and 6th notes.

What is the pattern of tones and semitones on which every major scale is built?

T t s t t t s

What is the primary difference between a major scale and a minor scale?

The primary difference between a major and minor scale is in the positioning of the tones and semitones that make up the scale. Both scales have eight notes. In the standard harmonic minor scale, the semitones occur between the 2nd and 3rd notes of the scale, whilst in the major scale, the semitones occur between the 3rd and 4th notes, and the 7th and 8th notes.

How old is the key signature?

Around the Baroque era, tonality went from modal to major and minor. The key signature was born out of the rigid sequence of tones and semitones in major and minor scales.

How many notes is a tritonic scale made up of?

There is no such thing as a ''tritonic scale'', a tritone is an interval of six semitones (half an octave), hence the name ''tritone'' which means ''three tones''.

What ratio does a major sixth followed by a minor third result in?

A minor third is the same distance as the tonic to the third in a natural minor scale. This is one tone followed by on semi tone, which equates to 3 semi tones. A major sixth would equate to ten semi tones. If you are going from the sixth of a major scale, to the third of a minor scale, you would be going down by 7 semi tones. However, if you are on the sixth note of a major scale, and go down by a minor third, then you will be going down by 3 semi tones.

How many tones does a C major scale have?

All major scales follow the pattern - tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone. Therefore, C major has 5 tones and 2 semitones.