

What are XML schemas?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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11y ago

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an xml schema is a blueprint for your xml file and it dictates what can and cannot be in your xml file. it also is a blueprint as i said and so it outlines the tsructure of your file, the nodes, elements, child, attributes etc

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Q: What are XML schemas?
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Are schemas and DTDs both written themselves in XML?

An xml schema is written using the syntax and specifications of xml.

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The Accredited Standards Committee X12 develops and maintains the X12 EDI and CICA standards along with XML schemas which drive business processes globally.

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That depends on what you want to do, xml tools include; xml parsers xml validators xml editors xml schema editors xml code generators

Explain the use of XML schema in the web designing application?

XML Schemas ensure that data can be communicated in a format that is universal. For example, different countries use different formats to display the date. Some countries put the month first, others put the day first, and some put the year first. The XML Schema for date requires that all dates be in YYYY-MM-DD format. Thus, everyone viewing XML data knows what the data is because they know it is written in XML Schema. XML Schema has a lot of built-in data types for defining data. To define data, XML Schema uses attributes. XML Schema attributes are somewhat similar to HTML attributes in that they are included within a tag, and the attribute further defines the tag. With HTML, an image tag would have a source attribute to provide the name of the file that contains the image to be displayed. Another example of an HTML attribute would be an alignment attribute within a paragraph tag that stipulates whether the paragraph should be aligned to the left or right. Examples of XML Schema attributes for describing data are string, decimal, boolean, integer, date, and time. One of the most important features of XML Schema is that it is replete with many different built-in restrictions that can be imposed on all data so that data is consistently displayed a certain way or presented in a certain format. Using XML Schema restrictions, a programmer can impose limits on upper or lower bounds for ranges of numbers, the length of numbers or the length of lists of items, and XML Schemas can even be used to define how white space is handled (tabs, line feeds, etc.).

What are the Component of an XML Document?

what are the component of xml document what are the component of xml document

How can schemas influence your perspectives in memory?

Schemas are mental frameworks that help organize and interpret information. They can influence memory by shaping how we encode, store, and retrieve information. If new information aligns with our existing schemas, it is easier to remember, but if it contradicts our schemas, it can be harder to recall.

Source code of xml?

there is no source code, xml is not a programming language, its a markup language for which you create your own tags, the basic xml syntax is <xml> to start an xml file, and </xml> to end the xml file.

What are schemas?

The schema is the physical arrangement of data.An XML schema is a description of a type of XML document, typically expressed in terms of constraints on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond the basic syntactical constraints imposed by XML itself. These constraints are generally expressed using some combination of grammatical rules governing the order of elements, Boolean predicates that the content must satisfy, data types governing the content of elements and attributes, and more specialized rules such as uniqueness and referential integrity constraints.

How do you create a XML file from Scratch?

it is the same way to create xml file by converting into txt you have to use the correct xml syntax ie <xml> this is to denote strat of xml file and this </xml> denotes end of xml file. You have to use the right xml code or your xml file wont be valid or well formed.

How do you fix xml?

If you open the xml in most web browser it will state an error code denoting the type of malformation of the xml. you can use an xml tool like an xml editor to validate and correct your xml.

What is java DTD?

A DTD is the original type of XML schema. XML Schemas are used to formally describes the contents of an XML document. An XML schema describes the shape of the XML document, defining the data, sub elements or attributes it can contain, along with the number of times given entities can occur. A document type definition (DTD) is a set of markup declarations that define a document type for an SGML-family markup language (SGML, XML, HTML). A Document Type Definition (DTD) defines the legal building blocks of an XML document. It defines the document structure with a list of legal elements and attributes.

How do you convert a XML to DTD?

If you use an xml tool like liquid xml studio or any other xml tool you will be able to convert your xml into an xsd or dtd.