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The constitution does not explicitly state or even mention minors' rights, which makes the topic debatable.

However, minors are presumed to have the fundamental natural rights (rights to life, liberty, and property), as well as 1st amendment rights (freedom of/to religion, speech, press, assembly, and petition).

But these rights come with strings attatched. For example, the manner, location, and time of speech factor into the lawfulness of violating that right. As an example, a person who yells "Fire!" in a theatre is bound to start some sort of chaotic state in the crowd. It is a compelling state interest to prevent riots, etc. from occuring, so violation of this kind of speech is constitutional.

Minors, depending on age, still do not have the legal rights to smoke, drink (as in alcohol), vote, and/or drive. On the other hand, minors cannot be sued due to parental custody.

and they can denie there parents reading there mail

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Q: What are a minor's rights under the US Constitution?
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