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Q: What are a sloth's adaptations to its environment?
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Why do sloths adapt to the environment?

because they are fat

Why do adaptations fit the environment?

Because the adaptations that get established are a consequence of the environment. Any other adaptations that "do not fit the environment" get discarded via natural selection.

What are adaptations that helps sloths survive in the rainforest's?

green alga grows on it and that makes it camouflage.

What are sloths environment?

Sloths live in trees and spend most of their life asleep, but tend to venture when they can be bothered :)

Adaptations of a sloth?

The adaptations of a sloth are that it grows algae on its fur and the algae helps it blend in with treetops from predators. Sloths have a good sense of smell to find and detect predators. Sloths can open and close their nose to keep termites from coming up their nose.

What adaptations do shrubs have to the environment?

It depends...

What helps animals survive in their environment?


Do adaptations change with changes in the environment?

YES why wouldn't they

Why do the spots help there adaptations?

It helps them blend into their environment.

What is the relationships among an organism's environment adaptations and evolution?

The relationship among an organism's environment, adaptations and evolution is that the environment will alter, so the organism has to adapt to the new environment. Throughout the years this has created evolution seen in fossils and history books

What are a Linn's sloths adaptations?

The Linn's sloth has adapted very well to harsh environments. It used to have a short beak then it adapted to have a long beak