

What are advantages of cell phones in class?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What are advantages of cell phones in class?
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None pupil can use cell phones in class. The reason is simple to understand.

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Using a satellite phone has many advantages over cell phones. Cell phones require the use of a cell tower which are not available in remote areas. Satellite phones use satellites which are always available as long as you can see the sky.

Cell phones in class yes or no?

Yes! You are aloud

What are three advantages of a cellphone?

The three major advantages of using cell phones are: 1. The process of communication has been made faster and easier by the use of cell phones. 2. The accessories or the extra devices which are provided to the users with the cell phone make their life easier. 3. Last but not the least, cell phones act as safety devices also for those who use it.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones on human health?

The advantages of cell phones on human health are the social experience and certain features that may help with health issues. The disadvantages are the distractions from something important, such as driving, and the levels of radiation emitting from the phone.

Should cell phones be used in classes?

yes they should be used in class

What are the advantages of cell phones in college?

Call it as an advantage only when they are used in Emergency and outside classrooms.

What is the use of cell phones inside the classroom?

not b/c u disturber the class

How do parents feel about having cell phones in class?

Cell phones have no business in schools. Social networking and texting(sexting) can wait until after class or after school. It's sad when students carry faster PDAs than the school computers.

Should cell phones be allowed in class rooms?

yes. cause why not good ? huh???? __________________________ This question has no absolute answer and is debated. While some argue that schools should follow the trend of modern society other argue that the phones disrupt class and cost students their grades. Try asking: What are the arguments for/against cell phones being allowed in class?

What are the advantages of having only a cell phone?

Make calls anytime you want Phones has apps to help you in your life