

What are aerolas?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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15y ago

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It is most commonly used to describe the pigmented area around the human nipple, it can also be used to describe other small circular areas such as the inflamed region surrounding a pimple.

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Q: What are aerolas?
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Are darker aerolas with the tips of your nipples being white and leaking breasts signs of pregnancy?


When other than pregnancy do a woman's nipples and aerolas change color size and or shape?

when your hormones get crazy

How long does it take for your aerolas to become bigger when pregnant?

Mine became larger, darker, and had little bumps on them before I even knew I was pregnant...(Roughly when I was 4 and a half to 5 weeks pregnant. That is 2 and a half to 3 weeks after conception)

Is it normal for your aerolas to get lighter and then darker during the day during early pregnancy?

Changes in hormone levels during your pregnancy will change the appearance of your aureolas and nipples throughout pregnancy and afterwords as well. They can change in shape and color at anytime.

Why does a balloon fly when air is released?

To conserve momentum. Momentum before = momentum after.Dunno get your aerolas out and swing them about , since the balloon is not initially moving (when you hold the opening shut), the momentum before is mv, v = 0 so m(0) = 0 kgm/s. After you let go of it, the air pressure escapes backwards and pushes the balloon in the opposite direction,oh my god i.e. in the forward direction (Newton's 3rd law - reaction pairs). This mean that the air escaping has negative momentum and the balloon moving forward has positive momentum

Is getting a headache when going to the bathroom a symptom of pregnancy?

They can be, but probably won't be the only symptom.It is indeed possible that headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. It is quite normal to have more frequent headaches as your body changes in the first trimester. There are several good research sites with this information on it if you search them out or ask.They can be, but they probably won't be the only symptom.I would not consider headaches a sign of pregnancy. Headaches can be a symptom of pregnancy. There are many contributing factors to headaches, even dehydration. A missed period would be a more reliable sign.Hello,Yes they are.ANSWERHEY...I started my pregnancy with the headaches. To this day I still have them everyday or other day. It is a sign of pregnancyThere are a number of causes of headaches in early pregnancy. It can definitely be a sign. You will usually have other symptoms as well.i don't know if i am pregnant i always have headahes,vomitting and sometimes feel backpain.. every night i feel sick..Yes it is a definitely one of the pregnancy signs.Anyone can get headaches, leading to signs many problems humans have. I'm going with no. Although, headaches do occur with pregnancy, they also happen to people who have stress. Pregnancy can be stressful.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy in first month?

ok, keep in mind everyone is different. For me the first symptoms I experienced were mood changes, I would cry at those comercials about abandoned pets, and the local news was a complete emotional train wreck for me. I also had very sore breasts similar to what you get around your period but much worse! I also could not pass a public bathroom with out making atleast one visit, on exceptionally long Walmart shopping trips I would make like 3 lol. I was exsessivly thirsty, and extreemly tired. I thought I had an urinary tract infection that was causing this weird cramping I had as well. I went to the doctor and they did a urine test and it was negative, thankfully I had a good doc who ordered a blood test. Low and behold I was pregnant! I was about 12 days pregnant. I was shocked I always thought that symptoms started much later. Guess mother nature has her ways of letting us know something is amist. So moral of the story, if you have something going on that has you feeling something awkward go to your doc. And if you already know you are pregnant and waiting for your symptoms to start just be thankful you havent any! hope this helped:)

How is a miscarriage at 7 weeks managed?

Im so sorry to hear of your loss. I had a m/c 3 weeks ago on 4/12/11 I was 7weeks, 3 days along, I started bleeding on 3/12/11, meant to be 10 weeks at this point. I was allowed to go home but strangely the doctor had me sign a form to sign myself out of their care incase anything happened to me they would hold no responsibilty, only differency going home was the fetous cant be examined by the nurses if it came away naturally during the night (by examining i mean they confirm it was the fetous, they dont test tfor problems unless you have had 3 miscarriages) Doctor said chance of haemmoridging was highly unlikely and theyd give me a tablet to take before i left hospital to hurry it along, went back to confirm all had gone with a transvaginal scan. (it had - only little clot left) told id bleed for 1 week. stopped after 4 days. I am now having lots of early pregnancy symptoms including hiccups, one breast larger than the other and has little spots around my aerolas plus all typical symptoms. im thinking its got to be one of two things, either tissue is still inside me or im pregnant again so make sure you get a scan after all the clotting stops afterwards. i am leaving it til end of first week in january and if preg tests keep showing negative i will go to hospital for scan. I have wanted to be a mum for a few years now (having sex once a month and didnt have a clue when i was ovulating but was over the moon when i found out i was pregnant. i couldnt face ANYONE for the first week, second week i visited work/mum, went shopping and started to feel so much more positive. the way im looking at it is my body has never been used to pregnancy hormones etc so it rejected it because it didnt know how to deal with it but now if i was to fall pregnany again it would recognise these hormones so therefor wouldnt reject it, either that or ther was something wrong somewhere, most early miscarriages are caused by the cells not matching up, mayb down syndrome and Im not very religous but I truly beleive God would not give us what we couldnt physically/mentally handle, that baby will eventually come, same baby, just a different time. My doctor said I could try as soon as I stop bleeding, no need to wait for a period. if your body isnt ready to get pregnant again then it wont. She also said alot of doctors say this, even in my hospital that you need to wait for two reasons, dating of the baby but with scans these days dating the pregnancy is no problem! Also it is to make sure mum2b is emotionally ready or physically and emotionally. makes the patient easier to get along with - especially a hormoanl pregnant one! So after that advice i thought, im not going to wait to make their jobs easier, especially at a time where all women are much more fertile after a m/c! I am sorry this is so long, I wanted to put in as much info as possible. I hope you stay strong, everything happens for a reason. any comments/questions would be welcomed! baby dust to all ttc a 2012 baby!