

What are all Superman films?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What are all Superman films?
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Who directed the films The Omen and Superman?

"The Omen" (1976) was directed by Richard Donner. "Superman" (1978) was directed by Richard Donner.

Who is the only actor to play both Batman and Superman in two different films?

Ben Affleck is the only actor who played both Batman or superman

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James Denton has appeared in many films. The most recent of these include: Beautiful Dreamer, All-Star Superman, Hot in Cleveland, Karaoke Man, and Grace Unplugged.

Who created the Star Wars them song?

John Williams. He composed for all the Starwars films, and the Indiana Jones films. He's also done movies such as Superman Returns.

Christopher Reeves became famous for his portrayal of which comic book character?

Christopher Reeves became famous for playing Superman. The recent reboot film starring Brandon Routh followed straight on from Reeve's Superman 2 but ignored the later films. Reeves' first 2 Superman films were filmed back to back but Superman 2 was finished and editted by a different team. The Richard Donner version of the film is now available as a Special Edition DVD.

All versions of Superman?

utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)

What number Superman was Christopher Reeve?

George Reeves played Superman in the 1951 film "Superman and the Molemen",Christopher Reeve played Superman in four films made in 1978, 1980, 1983, and 1987. Brandon Routh played Superman in the movie "Superman Returns" in 2006. Henry Cavill will be playing Superman in the upcoming reboot "Man of Steel" set for release in 2012. In addition to this however there are also TV series for the Superman franchise that starred actors Kirk Alyn, George Reeves, Dean Cain, and Tom Wellings who all featured as the character of Clark Kent/Superman in their respective versions.

What are all th Supermans in order of power?

ultimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboyprime sowrd of superman superman one million tough robot superman all star superman cosmic super man superman red/blue golden age superman silver age superman red son superman ultra man bizzor superman (weakest)

How many films had Christopher Reeve made before Superman in 1978?

Just one, Grey Lady Down

Were any science-fiction films discounting Tarzan opuses made in the US during World War 2 say from 1942-45?

"Invisible Agent" (1942). Invisible Man's grandson. "Billion Dollar Limited" (1942). Superman short. "The Bulleteers" (1942). Superman short. "Electric Earthquake" (1942). Superman short. "The Arctic Giant" (1942). Superman short. "The Magnetic Telescope" (1942). Superman short. "Batman" (1943). "Captain America" (1944). "The Invisible Man's Revenge" (1944). Many horror films were also made.

What movie titles include the word Superman?

Superman Superman Returns Superman II Superman III Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Waiting for Superman Superman/Doomsday The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Superman/Batman: Apocalypse All-Star Superman Leaving Metropolis (which was called 'Poor Superman' in Canada)

How do you unlock Superman in brawl?

Unlocking superman is easy all you have to do is clear classic and all star with everyone (exept superman)then play 100vs matches.