

What are all of the branches of the armed forces?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard

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Q: What are all of the branches of the armed forces?
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Which branch of the us armed forces is responsible for the preparation of forces necessary for the effective prosecution of war?

All branches of the US armed forces are responsible for the preparation for war and prosecution of war

What branch commands the US armed forces?

The US Armed Forces are coprised of five separate branches: Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. None of the branches commands the Armed Forces, that job is reserved for the President of the United States, as the Commander in Chief of the US Armed Forces.

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We have all the usual branches of the armed forces. Since we're at peace, the numbers are in the tens of thousands.

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All of them, including Coast Guard

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How many branches of arm force are there in th US?

There are four branches of the armed forces in the US. They are the Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines. All of which fall under the Department of Defense. The Coast Guard is sometimes considered a branch of the armed forces however they fall under the Department of Homeland Security.

The president is the in-chief of the us army and the navy?

The President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of ALL branches of the United States Armed Forces.

What law governs the behavior of men and women in all branches of the armed forces?

The LGBT law (lesgian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender) law governs the lives of men and women in all military branches and communities.

Why is do the US Army do ads?

For their recruiting campaign, same as other branches of the Armed Forces do advertising.

What branch of the service could women join in world war 2?

Women could join all branches of the armed forces during WW-II.