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Q: What are all of the nintencats games?
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Where can you find the Nintendo ds game nintencats?

at a games shop

Does nintencats exsist?

There is no official game called "Nintencats." However, there are other cat-themed games available on Nintendo platforms like "Neko Atsume" and "Cat Quest."

How do you find nintencats?

Go to Walmart, GameStop, Ect. any place that sells Video Games

Where can you get nintencats?

acually. there is such thing as nintencats. japan never never released it to any other country because it was never really popular. that's why they are combining nintendogs and nintencats so you can have it both ways.

Will there ge a nintencats?

yes there is such thing

Can you play nintencats online for free?


Is there really a nintencats?

no i don't think so. it didn't make it out of japan.

Is their such thing as nintencats for the Nintendo DS?

Yes, it is called Petz Cats.

When will Nintencats come out in US?

that's very hard to answer, due to the fact it was released 6 months before nintendogs was in japan, so it looks like one of those "we aren't getting this for a dozen years thing.

What features are in all games?

They're all games.

Can nintencats and Nintendogs connect?

lol i don't think so nintendcats is really actually more of a Japanese game to me and i don't think that it came out in usa unless u have it but they are two diffrent games so i do not think they could connect and by the way if u need another question answerd about nintendogs i will answer it i have already answerd like 8 or 9 other ones so just put another up if u want to ^_^

What do you do when you have all the jewels?

I think you will get a prize after you play all the games then if you win all the games you will get it