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there is a black cat

a upside down horseshoe ( i think)

a broken mirror

stepping on a crack

going under a ladder ( not sure)

and lots others but that's all i know

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Q: What are all the bad luck superstitions?
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Are superstitions for good or bad luck?


Superstitions with scientific basis?

Superstitions are not based in science. There might be a logical reason like breaking a mirror is bad luck but does not cause bad luck but this is not scientific.

Will you get bad luck if i have a cat?

No they are just superstitions, you are crazy if you believe that..

What are some superstitions?

If you walk under a ladder you get bad luck If you crack a mirror you have 7 years bad luck If you open an umbrella inside you have bad luck If you put your shoes on a table you have bad luck

Is it true that losing a golden ring is bad luck?

Culturally, some believe that losing a golden ring is a sign of bad luck. The extent of this belief varies among different societies, with some seeing it as a symbol of lost love or fortune. Ultimately, whether it brings bad luck or not is subjective and depends on individual beliefs and superstitions.

A black cat was supposed to be what according to superstitions?

A black cat is bad luck. If one crosses your path, it's a bad omen.

Are there any superstitions surrounding the Chinese New Year?

Yes, you have to respect your ancestors to get rid of bad luck.

Is it bad luck to cross both fingers?

I would not think so. Best bet, do not believe in superstitions.

Why did the superstitions of black cats start?

I'm not sure if anyone knows why they started. Each country has their own superstitions about black cats. Most think they are good luck or magical. Americans are about the only ones who think of them as bad luck.

Is superstition a science?

No. Superstitions are irrational beliefs held by some people. Most, but not all, have to do with what brings good or bad luck. There are some that are not really superstitions but common sense which has become part of the folklore of a society. In addition what one society may believe brings good luck another would disagree.

What are hungarian's superstitions?

I am Hungarian, two that I have heard are that keeping a cactus in the house will bring bad luck. Another is that owls, even owl sculptures, are also bad luck. This is not correct. Cactus' plants are not bad luck in general. Only certain types of cactus are bad for luck. Only if an owl flies into your house is it bad luck. Having a statue of an owl in the home is not good luck and not bad luck.

Is it bad luck to sit under the shade of chinaberry tree?

The superstitions are taught to us for our safety/precautionary measure.