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Q: What are all the gemstones in alphabetical order?
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Could all minerals be gemstones?

Not all minerals are gemstones; these are exceptions.

What are Diamondsrubiesopals emerald and sapphires are all examples of well they are all minerals but also gemstones?

yes they are all minerals and gemstones

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In alphabetical order, the words are: all, are, names, of, places, the.

What is aluminuim oxide?

A kind of chemical composition, found in almost all gemstones or look on the book: Gemstones of the world.

What are all of the country names in alphabetical order?

Listing all the country names in alphabetical order would be too extensive for this format. However, you can find an alphabetical list of all countries on the internet or in a comprehensive atlas or reference book.

Is crystal a precious stone?

It depends. All gemstones other than pearls and opals are crystals, but most crystals are not gemstones.

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what are all the moshlinngs in alphebetical order

How do you use gemstones in a sentence?

How many gemstones did you find?? Gemstones are beautiful. I love gemstones. There are a few.

Can a minerals be gemstones?

No not all. Some minerals are metals.

Why is garnet opal and topaz considered to be gemstones?

Garnet, opal and topaz are considered to be gemstones because gemstones are known for their beauty, colour, lustre (shininess) and rarity. They are also known for the way light passes through them, and hardness. All three of those gemstones have aspects of these.

How big are gemstones?

Gemstones all vary in size, very small to hand size and bigger. Most you will find fit in your hand nicely.

Is gemstone a mineral?

Gemstones are minerals but not all minerals are gemstones, as some minerals are very common and have little aesthetic or monetary value.