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Q: What are all the organs which are protected by skull?
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What organs protected by hollow of the skull?

the brain ... and, partially, the eyes.

What proctects the vital organs such as the heart and the lungs?

The skeleton. The heart and lungs are protected by the rib cage, the brain is protected by the skull.

What protects the skeletons vital body organs?

the word skeleton is referring to all the bones in a organism. if you meant to say what *bones are covering the vital organs on a human body, there are no good answers to that question as there are multiple vital organs all over the human body, most of a humans vital organs are protected by your rip cage, which rests on your chest. but something like your brain, is protected by a skull which of course is in your head. hope this helped

What organs does the skull protect?

the skull protects your brain.

What organ is protected by the skull?

your brain is protected by your skull

What internal organ is protected by the skull?

your brain is protected by your skull

How is brain protected in your body?

It is protected by the skull

Why is abdomen more vulnerable to damage than other organs?

The reason why the abdomen is more vulnerable to damage than other organs is because it has no bones around it to protect it. The lungs and heart for example, are somewhat protected by the rib cage and the brain is somewhat protected by the skull.

Why is the abdomen more vulnerable to damage than other organs?

The reason why the abdomen is more vulnerable to damage than other organs is because it has no bones around it to protect it. The lungs and heart for example, are somewhat protected by the rib cage and the brain is somewhat protected by the skull.

What internal organs do the skull protect?

The skull protects the brain.

Our brain is protected by a bone structure called skull or ribs?


What is the protected by the organ of skull?

The brain.