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There is mild Asthma right through to severely uncontrolled asthma. Asthma comes in 5 stages. Stages 1-2 are controlled asthma and stage 4-5 are severe asthma needing extra preventitive treatment to control it and reduce asthma attacks. Each stage of asthma is risky when having a asthma attack. But the more severe or the less controlled the asthma is, the higher the risk associated with yourself of having a severe asthma attack. Constant asthma attacks is not good on lung function and any chage to asthma should be checked over my a doctor.

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Q: What are all the types of asthma and which type is the worst and most risky and which type is non-risky?
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No. This is truly a case of waiting to see which way the wind blows. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, this year's "spring allergy capital," Lexington, KY, was No. 52 on the list last year. And the place that is most unbearable for allergy and hay fever sufferers may not be the worst for people with asthma. For the third year out of the last five, Knoxville, TN, has been the "asthma capital" of the US. Rankings are based on analysis of several factors, including air quality, pollen count, no-smoking laws, poverty, usage of medication and availability and access to asthma specialists.

Can trying to start smoking late in adulthood generate adult asthma?

no it cannot generate asthma but it wont help you or anyone around you. in this day and age why would you want to start smoking i have asthma and its so hard to stop and reading these answers makes me feel stupid for still smoking dont be daft dont even think about it Smoking is one of the worst triggers of asthma. Smoking late in adulthood can generate asthma, because if your airways are triggered by cigarette smoke, they will tighten day after day until arrival at an attack. However, different people are triggered by different irritants, so smoking only causes asthma in some people.

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yes old English sheep dogs do not go with asthma only because they slaver i have two English sheep dogs and my little boy has asthma i have to get rid of one because my boy is suffering . they are not as bad as some dog can be but are still bad one of the worst dogs with asthma a lab doodle and a Labrador . one would not be to bad but two is something Else but really old English seep dogs are the best.