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Anti depressants are supposed to help reduce symptoms of depression, anxiety, feeling of sadness and loss of interest. The Anti-depressant are used to restore some of the chemical imbalance in the brain that causes depression.

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Q: What are anti depressants supposed to help a person with?
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What anti depressants and amino acids have been know to help with a meth addiction?

Wellbutrin has shown to be effective with managing symptoms of depression, anxiety, and also with managing addictions. If depression is a result of meth use, other anti-depressants can be used to help manage the symptoms.

What is a common cure for anti anxiety?

There are many common cures for anti anxiety disorder. These include, but are not strictly limited to, taking drugs that help with it, and taking anti depressants.

How does the Catholic faith feel about using anti-depressants?

Catholics are encouraged to lead healthy, fulfilling, lives filled with grace. If you suffer from depression and your doctor prescribes anti-depressants then you should take them as they will help you lead a healthy life. While some medical procedures and drugs are prohibited for Catholics (e.g. abortion or contraception), anti-depressants are allowed.

How can you get a prescription medication to treat depression if you are not under the care of a therapist?

A good physician (internal medicine or family practicioner for example) can help you with anti-depressants.

What does the doctor prescribe for insomnia?

Medications that a doctor prescribes for insomnia are: Lunesta which is a common sleep aid to help make you sleep better. Anti-depressants since insomnia and depression is linked together, anti depressants decrease depression.

Can panic disorder employees function normally within an office work environment?

Give the person some time off, anti-depressants can be prescribed to help the person reduce the anxiety which they will be suffering. Go easy on these people as this is a very frightening and awful condition for the sufferer. Panic disorder does go away.

Where can one get help with repetitive strain?

One can get help with repetitive strain by going to their doctor, who may prescribe painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, muscle relaxant tablets or anti-depressants to help deal with the strain. Depending on the situation, the doctor may also refer you to a physiotherapist to help strengthen and relax the involved muscles to prevent repetitive strain.

If a child has depression what can she do?

A child can seek out help by telling their parents, seeing a GP or talking to a trusted adult (e.g: a teacher or school nurse). Anti-depressants can be prescribed or the child may find that just talking to someone will help.

Are painkillers depressants?

Yes, painkillers are depressants. But remeber, they still taste help you out, so they're not all that ad!Bad!

Are there vaccines for anorexia?

Not that I'm aware of. Anorexia is a mental health condition, and there is no medicinal cure. Sometimes anti-depressants can help with symptoms of depression, but that's not really a cure. One of the best treatments for anorexia is psychotherapy.

What sorts of treatment are used to help people who suffer from panic attacks?

Cognitive behavioral therapy focuses on the thinking patterns that cause panic attacks. Exposure therapy exposes you to the usual triggers in a safe environment. Anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs may also be used.