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Subordination, acquiescence, regard, obedience, respect, submission...

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4mo ago

Cooperation, obedience, submission.

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Q: What are antonyms of the word defiance?
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Related questions

Is antonyms a compound word?

No, antonyms is not a compound word.

A sentence with the word defiance?

Any defiance will not be tolerated at school.

Is synonyms and antonyms are antonyms?

No. Synonyms is meanings of a word where as Antonyms is the opposite of a word

What are antonyms for radar?

There are no antonyms for the word 'radar'.

What is the antonyms for the word domestic?

The antonyms for the word "domestic" are "foreign" or "international."

What are some antonyms of valor?

Some synonyms of the word valor are bravery, boldness, courage, defiance, firmness, heroism, indomitableness, andintripidity. A slightly different interpretation gives synonyms courage, dauntlessness, and endurance.

What is a sentence with the word defiance?

The child showed his defiance by refusing to be fed by his frustrated mother.

How do you write a sentence with the word defiance?

I was momentarily taken aback by the kitten's sudden defiance.

What is the antonyms for the word complicity?

The antonyms for complicity are innocence, ignorance, or unawareness.

How do you pronounce defiance?

The word "defiance" is pronounced as dih-fahy-uhns.

What are antonyms of the word vigil?

Antonyms of vigil are neglect and indifference.

Do the word tall or short is it antonyms or synonyms?

Antonyms of course.