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Q: What are applications of nanotechnology in biology?
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How is nanotechnology used?

Nanotechnology is currently a wide field of research and applications in fields ranging from biology to semiconductor fabrication. An example in biology is the design and fabrication of extremely small and sensitive chemical sensors. An example in semiconductors is the lithographic creation of IC chips.

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Applications in nanotechnology

What is nano technology how is it used in medical side?

In short nanotechnology is manipulation of matter on atomic or molecular level. Nanotechnology has a large list of applications in medicine. It's use ranges from applications of nanomaterials to nanoelectronic biosensors.

What is a bionanoscience?

A bionanoscience is a form of science or technology which incorporates aspects of biology and nanoscience or nanotechnology.

What are the different kinds of fields in nanotechnology?

It consists of chemistry, biology, physics, materials science, and engineering.

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How discovered nanomites?

The history of nanotechnology traces the development of the concepts and experimental work falling under the broad category of nanotechnology. Although nanotechnology is a relatively recent development in scientific research, the development of its central concepts happened over a longer period of time. The emergence of nanotechnology in the 1980s was caused by the convergence of experimental advances such as the invention of the scanning tunneling microscope in 1981 and the discovery of fullerenes in 1985, with the elucidation and popularization of a conceptual framework for the goals of nanotechnology beginning with the 1986 publication of the book Engines of Creation. The field was subject to growing public awareness and controversy in the early 2000s, with prominent debates about both its potential implications as well as the feasibility of the applications envisioned by advocates of molecular nanotechnology, and with governments moving to promote and fund research into nanotechnology. The early 2000s also saw the beginnings of commercial applications of nanotechnology, although these were limited to bulk applications of nanomaterials rather than the transformative applications envisioned by the field.

Latest technology in nanotechnology on which you could give paper presentation?

You can give presentation on carbon nano tubes production and its applications OR you can also give presentation on bulletproof jackets enhanced with nanotechnology.

What is the future technology we need to look for?

Many technologies have the potential to greatly influence our future. One example is nanotechnology, the manufacture and use of microscopically small devices. Applications of nanotechnology include communications, medicine, and surveillance.

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What are the applications of nanoscience in biology?

One such application is to stop bleeding for the body of organisms.

What algebra is in biology?

Common applications of algebra in biology include growth rates of populations and any general statistics about survival, reproduction, etc