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Q: What are barrel shaped organelles that help position the nucleus and other organelles?
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What is a rod shaped cell with no nucleus or membrane bound organelles?

This is a bacillus bacteria.

What are the characteristics of a bacterial cell?

Bacteria are prokaryotic, microscopic organisms whose single cells have neither a membrane-bounded nucleus nor other membrane-bounded organelles like mitochondria and chloroplasts. The can be rod shaped (bacilli), spheres (cocci), or spiral shaped (spirochetes).

What is oval shaped bodies found inside the nucleus of most cells?

The nucleolus is found in the nucleus and is one of the most important organelles. Its main function is producing and assembling subunits which form ribosomes.

What is a unicellular organism that lacks a nucleus and cytoplasmic organelles other than ribosomes reproduces by binary fission and occurs in one of three shapes?

A unicellular organism fitting this description is a prokaryote, specifically a bacteria. Bacteria lack a true nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They reproduce by binary fission and can be rod-shaped (bacilli), spherical (cocci), or spiral-shaped (spirilla).

What is DNA and where is it found?

polynucleotide that contain genetic material that found in nucleus .

Rod-shaped pairs in nucleus?

the rod shaped structures in the nucleus are called chromosomes

Large peanut shaped organelles are known as what?

Those are mitochondria, which are responsible for producing energy in cells through a process called cellular respiration.

Is DNA polymerase is a molecule found in all cells?

Inside the Nuclear envelope (nucleus), chromatin

What are the slipper shaped organelles that produce most of the energy?


Name for a wheel or barrel-shaped cheese especially cheddar?

TRUCKLE. A 19th C dialect word for a barrel shaped cheese. Article in Wikipedia 11th June 2009

What is a electron cloud shaped like with the nucleus at its center?

It is shaped like a Sphere

Is smooth muscle spindle shaped or funnel shaped?

They are spindle shaped and nonstriated with a single, central nucleus.