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11y ago

The Rules Nobody really remembers unless they are cutting but you can find them in "Rules and Regulations 2013 NCHA Official handbook"

Hope That Helps

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Q: What are basic rules of riding a horse?
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Which is not one of the four basic rules for riding?

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What are supporting?

riding a bicycle should include following basic safety rules.

What is a basic harness item you should use for your horse?

If you are leading (walking) a horse around, then a halter. If you are riding him, a bridle.

What are some safety rules that should be respected before mounting a horse?

where a riding hat

Who is important in horse riding?

in horse riding some important things are balance, timing, being able to see a distance, basic horse handling and care, and kindness and understanding amongst other things.

What was the basic skill of the mongol warriors?

the bow, sword, horse riding, survival, killing

What are the safety rules that need to be respected before mounting a horse?

protect your head with a riding hat

What different rules are in horse riding lessons?

Listen to your instructor, always wear a helmet, leave lots a space between your horse and other horses.

What is the basic harness item you should you use to move your horse around?

Halter Howrse riding level answer

What are the rules in equestrain?

well it really depends on what type of horse riding catigory. Western, dressage ot English

What are some rules of horse riding?

Don't let the horse get away with disobeying you just because you don't want it mad at you. The horse will get over it and you will both have a stronger relationship than if you let the horse have the control.

What is better.A monkey riding a horse or a mouse riding a pig?

A monkey riding a horse