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Big splots of black.

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Q: What are black blotches?
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What were in the black blotches when the black death was around?

poisonous puss

What colour is a burmese python?

they are light colored with brown blotches bordered with black.

If your goldfish with black blotches on them are in with your turtle will it die?

no the turtle won't but the gold fish sure will .

What is the present tense of blotches?

I/you/we/they blotch. He/she/it blotches. The present participle is blotching.

What part of speech is blotches?

Blotches can either be the plural noun of "blotch" or the third-person present tense verb of "blotch".

How do you know if applesauce is moldy?

Usually if aything is moldy it will have either a layer of white, green, blue, or black "fuzz" or just blotches of mold.

What bit my leg quarter sized purple blotches?

You should visit a hospital, particularly if the number of blotches is increasing or if the blotches are growing larger. You can take benedryl, but do not use any other medicines.

What does it mean when you see blotches of color and numbers when you look at people and black and white shadows?

It is not clear from the question whether the blotches of color and shadows are seen in dreams or while one is awake. If one is seeing such delusions while awake, one needs to seek medical help.

I have narrow stools, black blotches in my stool that is thick, sometimes just tarry stools. I have no weight loss though, I have had breast cancer. Does it sound like I have colon cancer?

I have narrow stools, black blotches in my stool that is thick and attached to the stool, sometimes just tarry stools. I have no weight loss though, I have had breast cancer. Does it sound like I have colon Cancer?

What part is speech is blotches?

Blotches can either be the plural noun of "blotch" or the third-person present tense verb of "blotch".

What color is a anaconda?

The Green Anaconda is usually depicted as having a brownish, dull olive green base with black spots. The Yellow Anaconda, who is much smaller has a yellowish brown base and black blotches.

What color is a ray?

a Manta Ray black, white and gray in color They are mainly dark on the upper surface, ranging from black to greyish-blue and brown, with pale undersides; individuals have a unique pattern of blotches and scars that can be used to identify them.