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Q: What are blended refrigerants?
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Can R22 be used with 404A refrigerant?

No, refrigerants cannot be blended.

Is freon 406 compatible with freon 12?

No. Refrigerants are not meant to be blended.

Are freon 12 and freon 22 compatible?

No. Refrigerants can't be blended.

Is freon 406a compatible with freon 22?

No. Refrigerants cannot be blended.

Explain what Refrigeration Compatibility means in relation to refrigeration oils?

There are different types of refrigerant oils. Refrigerants such as R22 and R12 usually use mineral oil. But some of blended refrigerants like R410A can sometimes use a poly oil. These oils can not be blended together. So a system that already has a refrigerant with mineral oil must be charged with refrigerants with the same oil.

Do blended refrigerants leak from a system at a faster or slower rate?

at uneven rates due to different vapor pressures.

Blended refrigerants should be charged a as a vaper b at very high temperatures c as a liquid d the same as any other refrigerant?

A a liquid

What is inorganic refrigerants?

Inorganic refrigerants are refrigerants that are not organic

What group of refrigerants is considered the safest?

HFC refrigerants

Why are refrigerants responsible for ozone layer depletion?

Refrigerants release CFC's. They react with ozone to deplete it.

Is freon gas flammable?

"Freon" is a trademark name of DuPont for a series of HFC and CFC refrigerants which they manufactured - other companies manufactured and continue to manufacture the same refrigerants, but cannot use the name Freon for their product. Some of the refrigerants marketed under the name Freon are flammable, and some are not. The CFC refrigerants will almost certainly be flammable - the HFC refrigerants may or may not be.

Which refrigerants have 0 odp?

Natural refrigerants - ammonia, hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, water, air; HFC's