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In humans and other mammals the thorax and abdomen are separated by a sheet of muscle called the diaphragm.

In insects like wasps and bees where there is a narrow region between the thorax and the abdomen this is called the petiole.

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The diaphragm divides these two body parts.

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The pelvic cavity

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The transverse plane.

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The diaphragm

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Q: What are body planes separate the thorax from the abdomen?
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In a beetle the part of the body between the head and abdomen is called the thorax. The thorax contains important body structures.

What is a insects midsection called?

I am pretty sure that the answer is thorax. the insect has three parts in it. they are the head, thorax, and abdomen. the head of course is on the top. the thorax is the middle part. the abdomen is at the end. i usually think of ants when i think of this.

Does ants have three body parts?

The 3 parts of an ant are the head, the thorax and the abdomen.

What are the three sections of an insect's body?

Head=head thorax=middle part abdomen=bottom part Hope this Helps! :)