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Bones, skin, and organs are examples of parts of human beings.

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Q: What are bones skin and organs examples of?
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What sensory organs have no bones?

The tongue is a boneless sensory organ (taste).The eyes are also boneless sensory organs (sight).Technically speaking, the skin is also a boneless sensory organ (touch).The nose and ears, which are sensory organs, have bones in them,

What are examples of excretory organs?

The skin, lungs and kidneys.

Which of the following describes how the skin of the integumentary system and the bones of the skeletal system work together in the human body?

The skin protects the bones and the bones protect the organs in the body.

Do snowy owls have skin?

Yes... it keeps their organs and bones in place !

Why don't birds have cartilage?

They have bones in their wings that allow them to fly, if they did not have bones, they would be a lump of skin and organs.

What 2 parts protect the external reproductive organs?

Skin and the pelvic bones.

What are the eyes tounge ears nose and skin examples of?

Those body parts are examples of sensory organs. They are responsible for receiving and processing information from the external environment to help us perceive and understand the world around us.

Why is your face have skin?

well if it didnt everyone would see your bones and organs, eww

Are the bones organs?

No, bones are not organs.

What whould happen if you didnt have bones?

you would be a blob of skin and organs which would not be able to function

What makes x-ray machine show the bones?

Xrays are high energy waves that can penetrate soft tissue, like organs and skin, but not bones and teeth. Therefore, when you stand in the xray machine, the film is exposed to xrays only where they can pass through the body. Hence, you get pictures of bones and teeth but not organs and skin.

What are examples of organs found in your body?

Heart Liver Skin Brain Blood are some