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So they can eat plants, but not animals.

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Q: What are broad flat teeth adapted to do?
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Which animals have broad and sharp teeth in the front and broad flat teeth inside?

Herbivores have broad and sharp teeth in the front to break (tear) the food and a broad flat teeth on its back side for grinding the food.

What are the characteristics of a bison surviving in a grassland biome?

Bisons have broad, flat-topped teeth and digestive systems especially adapted to feed on grasses.

What adaptation is related to a cow's diet?

broad,flat teeth

Why is the teeth of herbivores broad and flat whereas carnivores narrow and sharp?

the teeth of carnivores were sharp so that they could cut through meat and bone easily. and since herbivores didn't need that their teeth were flat

Why is the teeth of herbivores broad and flat Whereas is carnivores narrow and sharp?

the teeth of carnivores were sharp so that they could cut through meat and bone easily. and since herbivores didn't need that their teeth were flat

What adaptations do bison have in the grasslands?

thick fur for the wintersbig head n horns to dig up roots in the winterdullish teeth to eat roots/grasses

Do carabao have pointed canines or broad flat teeth?

In their incisors, yes. They do have upper molars though, just like a domestic cow does.

What is a part of a dinosaur's that bites?

Sharp teeth for carnivores and broad and flat molars for the herbivores. For the omnivores, well, either of those two.

Do camels have sharp teeth or flat teeth?

flat teeth

What are the teeth that are used for crushing called?

The teeth that are used for crushing are called molars. They are flat and broad, designed to grind and crush food into smaller pieces for easier digestion.

What kind of teeth do carnivores have flat or pointed or sharp?

Carnivores typically have sharp, pointed teeth that are well-suited for tearing and slicing meat. These teeth are called carnassial teeth, and they are adapted for efficiently capturing and consuming their prey.

Why Dogs tigers and leopards have sharp pointed teeth want scientific reason?

Because they are carnivores. Sharp teeth are needed to tear flesh. Flat, broad teeth are needed to crush the rigid cell walls and fibers of plants.