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Q: What are bubbles composed of while boiling?
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What are the bubbles in boiling water made of?

the bubbles in boiling water is water in a gasious state rising to the surface.

What is the three differences between evaporation and boiling?

Boiling occurs when the vapour pressure becomes equal to the external pressure while evaporation is the escape of molecules from the surface. Bubbles appear in boiling while not in evaporation. Temperature does not effect the rate of boiling while evaporation is fast at high temperature and slow at low temperature.

Is the composition of bubbles in boiling water the same as the bubbles that appear when cold water heats up?

They are the same. When cold water heats up and bubbles that means it is boiling.

What is in the bubbles that you see when water is boiling?

If there are big bubbles that pop then it is boiled

Is the boiling bubbles in water only generated when it hits the boiling point?


Where do the bubbles in boiling water come from?

The gas being evaporated forms the bubbles in boiling water.

Which two rocks are primarily composed of a mineral that bubbles with acid?

The two rocks that are primarily composed of a mineral that bubbles with acid are limestone and marble.

What compound is inside bubbles of boiling water?

These bubbles contain air.

What is in the bubbles you see when water is boiling?

What you mostly see in the bubbles is steam, which is water in gas form.

What signs for boiling water?

Bubbles of water vapor

What occurs when bubbles of gas escape from a liquid?


What bubbles in the witches' chant in Macbeth?

The boiling contents of their cauldron.