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Q: What are buildings that represents natural structure?
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What is the biggest natural structure formed by man?

The dustpan

Do buildings use natural gas?

Many buildings are heated by natural gas

What is the difference between a building and a structure?

All buildings are structures but not all structures are buildings

Is the coliseum a structure or a building?

Buildings are structures.

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The way the buildings are created. Their architectural structure, and features.

What does dynamic structure mean?

it is something to do with buildings and static

Why was the Roman colosseum broken?

the reason there are pieces missing is because people have been taken the seats because of the stuff the seats have been made of. and there was fires and earthquakes so it destroyed two thirds of the outside

What does The maple leaf on the Canadian flag represents what?

it represents you not being able to structure a question properly.

How did people die from the San Francisco's earthquake?

the structure of the buildings

What to do you times of earthquake?

get in a solid part of the buildings structure, such as doorways

What are differences between natural and manufactured structure?

A natural structure is formed entirely by nature, whilst a building, bridge, etc. is a manufactured structure.

Is the Albert dock a natural attraction in Liverpool?

Well, the answer is yes and no. You see, a dock is water (where boats come in) and that is natural! However, there are buildings around it (making it a dock) and as know probably know, buildings are not natural...