

What are cataracts?

Updated: 6/23/2023
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12y ago

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Cataracts: What You Need to Know

Important Information About Cataracts

Why it is it important to share information about cataracts? Well, did you know that the leading cause of vision loss for people all over the world is, believe it or not, cataracts? Cataracts are a clouding or fogging of the eye’s inner lens.

Cataracts affect 24.4 million Americans, usually age 40 or older, according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). The National Eye Institute (NEI) reports that the number of people in the US with cataracts is expected to increase to roughly 50 million by 2050.

Despite its prevalence, there are still a great many misconceptions about cataracts. This is another reason why it is incredibly important to get information about cataracts that is rooted in science and not superstition. Let’s take a few moments to discuss the most up-to-date information about cataracts…. and see if we can help clear up some popular misconceptions for you in the process.

1. There is no age for Cataracts

Myth #1: The only people affected by cataracts are senior citizens

Fact #1: There is no age for cataracts

It is true that most cataracts are related to aging. It is also true that they are very common in older people, there is actually no set age for cataracts. According to the NEI, “more than half of all Americans either have a cataract or have had cataract surgery.” Be that as it may, the term “age-related” is more than a bit confusing and misleading to patients. In fact, people as young as 40s and 50’s can be afflicted with an age-related cataract. However, because most cataracts start small and don’t usually affect the vision of the middle-aged, the effects may go unnoticed for years.

Furthermore, there are other types of cataracts, beyond those that are simply age-related. Some are the result of trauma to the eye and others are secondary to intraocular surgery or the result of medications or systemic disease. So, as you can see, the age for cataracts is any age depending on the circumstances surrounding the person who develops them.

2. Eye Cataract Prevention is Possible

Myth #2: Cataracts are merely a part of aging and nothing can be done about them

Fact #2: Eye cataract prevention is possible

While it is true that cataracts cannot be prevented entirely, eye cataract prevention is possible. In fact, there are several things you can do to slow their progression. Taking nutritional supplements, for example, can aid in slowing down the onset of cataracts. Additionally, a healthy diet and wearing UV-protected sunglasses may also slow the progression of cataracts. Higher risk patients may want to consider taking advantage of the tips mentioned above. According to the NEI, cataracts are more likely to occur in women, but smoking and Diabetes are also risk factors. The take home message here is to take to heart the fact that eye cataract prevention is possible by caring for your eye health before cataracts form.

3. Eye Cataract Surgery is Permanent

Myth #3: A cataract can grow back after surgery since it is a film that grows over the eye

Fact #3: Eye cataract surgery is permanent

Yes, eye cataract surgery is permanent and not simply a temporary fix. This is a common misconception because some patients are under the impression that a cataract is a film that grows over the iris, rather than a clouding of the crystalline lens inside the eye. This video will help illustrate this further. Because of this, eye cataract surgery is permanent because your cataracts will not “grow back” once surgery is performed.

Another misconception is that there are “eye drops that can dissolve cataracts.” Currently, there are no FDA-approved drops that can cure or even delay cataracts available, according to the AAO. And, as cataracts are not an actual substance, topical treatments won’t affect them and they cannot “come back” after surgery. This is why eye cataract surgery is the preferred method of treatment when the symptoms warrant.

4. Non Surgical Treatment of Cataracts is Possible

Myth #4: The only option for dealing with cataracts is surgery

Fact #4: Non surgical treatment for cataracts is possible

Yes, non surgical treatment for cataracts may be possible depending on how severe your symptoms currently are. Cataract symptoms range from mild, where colors can seem faded and eyes are glare sensitive, to more severe, where extremely blurred vision makes driving, reading and facial recognition impossible. In mild cases, measures including magnifying lenses, anti-reflective sunglasses, brighter lighting and new eyeglasses may improve symptoms of cataracts.

visit Tatum eyecare for more information.

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12y ago

Cataracts are a clouding of the lens in the eye. Cataracts occur over time in virtually all people.

Cataracts can be removed through surgery which is a very quick procedure.

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