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Q: What are cervical ulcers what causes them and how do you treat them?
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What causes ulcers on?

Ulcers in the tongue are caused by having less vitamins in the body.

What is a cervical fusion used to treat?

Cervical fusion is used to treat inflammation of the cervix. Doctors are hesitant to use cervical fusion because of it is an innovative process that has yet to get tested. Cervical fusion is an alternative to laser surgery that has become an acceptable form of medical process.

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Sucralfate is used to treat or prevent ulcers.

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What is the purpose of cervical cryotherapy?

Cervical cryotherapy is a standard method used to treat cervical dysplasia, meaning the removal of abnormal cell tissue on the cervix.

What causes ulcers in thorough bred horses?

Horses can get ulcers from stress or not enough water, from personal experience a hrose can experience colic from ulcers or colic from ulcers, the show the same symtoms.

What causes ulcers in uterus?

Ulcers typically happen in the cervix, which is the bottom portion of the uterus. The ulcers are commonly caused by STD's and should be treated by a doctor.

What physical illness is Prevpac used to treat?

Prevpac is an oral medication that is used to treat ulcers of the stomach and intestines. It is also used to help prevent the ulcers from returning. It works by blocking excess acid in the stomach and by treating the bacteria, H. pylori, which is the cause of the ulcers.