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Q: What are changes in behavior or structure of plants and animals?
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Name three daily changes which might affect plants and animals?

Temperature fluctuations can affect the growth and behavior of plants and animals, influencing their metabolic processes and overall health. Changes in sunlight exposure can impact the photosynthesis in plants and the behavior of diurnal animals, altering their activity patterns. Variations in precipitation levels can affect the availability of water and nutrients for plants and animals, influencing their growth, reproduction, and survival.

What are the effective changes to plants and animals in the ecosystem?

There are changes brought up in animals and plants. It is due to evolution.

Seasonal behavior in plants and animals is stimulated by?

Seasonal behavior in plants and animals is primarily stimulated by changes in day length and temperature. These environmental cues trigger physiological processes that help organisms anticipate and adapt to seasonal changes, such as changes in food availability, mating opportunities, or temperature fluctuations. Hormones like melatonin and phytochromes play key roles in regulating these seasonal responses.

What behavior is coomon to both plants and animals?

Their will to survive.

Why is it impossible to study animals and plants behavior when they are dead?


Which behavior is common to both plants and animals?

Maintenance of homeostasis

In an area with an ecological gradient the relative abundance of plants animals changes according to?

In an area with an ecological gradient the relayed of abundance of plants and animals changes according to

In an area with an ecological gradient the relative abundance of plants and animals changes according to?

In an area with an ecological gradient the relayed of abundance of plants and animals changes according to

When the population in an envirment changes what happens to plants and animals in the envirment?

When there are environmental chnges, plants and animals must have sex >

How are the animals and plants affected by the weather changes?


When the population in an environment changes what happen to the plants and animals in the environment?

they is will die and the animals is die too the plants also too

When the populated in an environment changes what happens to the plants and animals in the environment?

they is will die and the animals is die too the plants also too