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Q: What are characteristics of continental continental convergent boundaries?
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What are the three types of convergent plate boundries?

The three types of convergent boundaries are when two plates meet and two oceanic plate meet, or where an oceanic and continental plate meet.the three types of convergent boundaries are continent boundaries , continent - ocean boundaries, and last but not least............. ocean boundaries

What is produced at continental continental convergent boundaries?

mountains can be created

What are the three different setting of convergent boundaries?

The three types of convergent plate boundaries are Oceanic-Oceanic, Continental-Continental, Continental-Oceanic.

Which event is the most common at oceanic-continental convergent boundaries?

Rift Valleys are the most common at oceanic-continental convergent boundaries.

What are the types of convergent boundary?

There are 3 types of Convergent boundaries, they are; 1. Continental-continental convergent boundary. 2. Continental-oceanic convergent boundary. 3. Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary.

What does a convergant boundary form?

There are three types of convergent boundaries: Oceanic, continental, and continental-oceanic convergent boundaries. Continental-continental convergent boundaries form mountain ranges. Continental-oceanic boundaries result in subduction zones and the recycling of lithosphere. The continental side of the boundary may form a mountain range. Oceanic-oceanic form deep oceanic trenches and sometimes volcanoes.

Why are continental volcanoes associated with oceanic continental convergent boundaries?


What are the types of convergence?

There are 3 types of Convergent boundaries, they are; 1. Continental-continental convergent boundary. 2. Continental-oceanic convergent boundary. 3. Oceanic-oceanic convergent boundary.

What are the three sub-types of convergent plate boundaries?

if i thing if gago abno yudipota ka

What are characteristics found in convergent boundaries?


What are the 3 subtypes of convergent plate boundaries?

1. Oceanic-oceanic convergent plate boundary. 2. Continental-continental convergent plate boundary. and 3. Oceanic-continental convergent plate boundary.

What type of plate boundaries is shown in the diagram?

convergent oceanic-continental boundary