

What are cheetahs called in groups?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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A coalition.

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Q: What are cheetahs called in groups?
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What is cheetah male called?

A male cheetah is called a male cheetah. Male cheetahs travel together in groups called "coalitions." That's right, a "coalition of cheetahs."

What is a group of the cheetahs called?

Scientific classification of the cheetah:Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClade: SynapsidaClass: MammaliaOrder: CarnivoraFamily: FelidaeGenus: AcinonyxSpecies: A. jubatusBinomial name: Acinonyx jubatus

Does a cheetah have a special name such as herd?

Male cheetahs form loose groups called coalitions.

Do cheetahs depend on groups to survive?

no cheetahs are solitary animals only the cubs of cheetahs live with their mother (not with father) until they reach a certain age some male cheetahs travel on groups especially cheetah brothers

Do cheetahs live alone or in groups?

Except for a mother and her cubs, cheetahs are solitary animals. They do not live in groups.

What is a group of cheetah called?

Cheetahs do not normally form groups as do lions. A mother and her cubs may remain together for up to 2 years. Male cheetahs sometimes form loose groups to protect their territory and these are called coalition. However, they are different from a lion's pride.

How do cheetahs help other cheetahs?

Cheetahs often stick in groups to help each other out. When one cheetah is injured, the other cheetahs help that injured cheetah to move on.

Why do people protect cheetahs?

Animal Rights groups

Do cheetahs live in groups or live independently?


Do cheetahs live together or on their own?

Within their own community they are very much social. However, they are also very territorial. Actually, female cheetahs are the solitary ones but male siblings live together for life like lions

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Do cheetas live in groups?

Male adult cheetahs usually do live in small groups, whereas females do not.