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chemical propertiy of non metal is it react with acids

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Q: What are chemical properties of non metal?
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Is NaCl a metal or non-metal?

Sodium chloride is a compound, not a chemical element.

Is germanuim a metal?

Germanium has properties of both metal and non-metal. Hence it is considered to be metalloid.

Which product exhibits the properties of metal and non metal?

The properties of a metal are of follows, a pure chemical composition, a pure chemical composition is a element, or a compound in pure form. As well as a metallic luster (when it is shiny and if melted or filed flat it looks like a mirror. Now pure chemical composition is hard to test with solid metal, but a metallic luster should do the trick usually, and if it is being melted, than you should see that is is a pure chemical composition by looking if parts of it have different melting speeds.

In chemical reaction how do the chemical properties of the products compare with the chemical properties of the reactants?

the product's properties usually and may differ from the properties of the reactants. Example-salt-sodium, a soft explosive metal and chlorine, a toxic gas. make salt.

What property can help differentiate between a metal and a non-metal?

the properties are the color shaoe and size [: