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I'm not sure what they're known as in the chemistry field, but I know them as "anti-oxidants". You know... fish oil, etc yes Antioxidant

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Antioxidants are chemicals that reduce or prevent oxidation in other substances by inhibiting the oxidation process. They help protect cells and prevent damage caused by free radicals. Examples include vitamin C, vitamin E, and beta-carotene.

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Q: What are chemicals that reduce or prevent oxidation called?
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What causes oxidation of lubricating oil?

Oxidation of lubricating oil is primarily caused by exposure to oxygen in the air, high temperatures, and contaminants such as water and metal particles. These factors can lead to the formation of harmful byproducts that can degrade the oil and reduce its lubricating properties. Regular oil analysis and maintenance can help monitor and prevent oxidation in lubricating oil.

How do you prevent oxidation in a ball mill?

To prevent oxidation in a ball mill, you can use inert gas, such as nitrogen or argon, to create an oxygen-free atmosphere inside the mill. You can also add anti-oxidation agents to the material being milled or use a milling chamber made of materials that are resistant to oxidation, such as stainless steel. Regularly cleaning and maintaining the ball mill can also help prevent oxidation.

What are ways to REDUCE liquid waste?

One way to reduce liquid waste is by using reusable containers instead of disposable ones. Another way is to be conscious of water usage by fixing leaks and turning off the tap when not in use. Properly disposing of household chemicals and medications can also prevent liquid waste.

What kind of chemicals should you use in your water bed?

It is recommended to use waterbed conditioner and vinyl cleaner specifically designed for water beds. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach as they can damage the vinyl and reduce the lifespan of the water bed. Regularly adding conditioner helps prevent algae growth and extends the life of the water bed.

Why should ascorbic acid solution not to be exposed to the air?

Ascorbic acid is sensitive to air and can undergo oxidation when exposed, leading to a loss of its antioxidant properties and potential breakdown of the compound. This oxidation reaction can reduce the effectiveness of the ascorbic acid solution.

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What causes oxidation of lubricating oil?

Oxidation of lubricating oil is primarily caused by exposure to oxygen in the air, high temperatures, and contaminants such as water and metal particles. These factors can lead to the formation of harmful byproducts that can degrade the oil and reduce its lubricating properties. Regular oil analysis and maintenance can help monitor and prevent oxidation in lubricating oil.

What are hydrocormick-clarc chemicals?

hydrocormick-clarc chemicals are in a drug called statins that help to reduce the amount of bad Cholesterol, LDL's, in your body. I dont know what the chemicals do or where they come from though...does ani one know? X

Explain how riding a bike can reduce photochemical smog?

It can reduce it by putting less chemicals into the air

What technological innovations have farm managers adopted?

precision agriculture or site-specific farming methods to customize the placement of seed, fertilizer, and chemicals to get more bushels of grain from their land, reduce waste, and prevent pollution

How do you prevent oxidation in a ball mill?

To prevent oxidation in a ball mill, you can use inert gas, such as nitrogen or argon, to create an oxygen-free atmosphere inside the mill. You can also add anti-oxidation agents to the material being milled or use a milling chamber made of materials that are resistant to oxidation, such as stainless steel. Regularly cleaning and maintaining the ball mill can also help prevent oxidation.

Why heating is important for hot stamping?

Heating is important for hot stamping as it helps reduce oxidation.

What are ways to REDUCE liquid waste?

One way to reduce liquid waste is by using reusable containers instead of disposable ones. Another way is to be conscious of water usage by fixing leaks and turning off the tap when not in use. Properly disposing of household chemicals and medications can also prevent liquid waste.

How you can reduce pollution in diesel power plants?

By installing Diesel Oxidation Catalyst (DOC) on the exhaust systems.

What is an adrenochrome?

An adrenochrome is an oxidation product of adrenaline or epinephrine - some parts of it are used as a drug to reduce bleeding.

Why do you have to have reproduction?

To prevent or reduce the risk of extinction of a specie.

What Medication is administered to prevent or reduce fever?
