

What are column footings?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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13y ago

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From the ancient days itself, the column has been used as a re-enforcement for many of the infrastructures and has also been recognized as a work of art representing a sense of style and grandeur. If you are looking to build one, here are the tips on to get started :

Required Tools :

Masonry brush gloves

Masonry brush


Rubber cement



5 gallon pail

Wood (including 2*4 ply)

Here are the instructions to build :

Firstly before you begin, it is important you have a design of how your column footing should look. So design one.

Get a shovel and start digging the hole where the column footing must be placed. then dig an area around the column hole where the footing will be placed. The hole must be 12 inches deep and 23 inches wider.

Make a frame for each side of the foot using a 2*4 inch board. Once done, cut the frame to fasten them together.

Use a custom made 'form' to fasten the plywood and attach the lip of the form to the top of the plywood.

Start coating the inside part of the frame with quick drying rubber cement. Now use the shovel to mix two batches of cement with and without the gravel. Take smooth cement using the pail and full the frame below the edge of the outside walls. Now lay another layer of cement which is 4 inches deep into the 12 inches hole for the column.

Once you have mixed the cement, you will place the column footing in it.Then you should allow it to dry.Next you should remove the frame and form from the hardened cement and peel the rubber. Then allow the column to air dry.

Use the smooth cement to fill the empty gaps. Get masonry brush and put on masonry gloves to brush the final product so everything is smooth.

Hope this helps.

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