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Q: What are common diseases for people of German descent?
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Related questions

Can you be of German Jewish descent?

Yes, just as there are people of French Jewish and Russian Jewish descent. A term like German Jewish descent implies that the ancestors were Jewish and were from German cultural regions in Europe.

How many Americans of German descent are there?

51 million people

Is Nathan kress Asian?

Some people think Nathan come from Asian descent, but he is actually German, Irish, and Scottish. The surname Kress comes from German descent. .

Who gets Canavan disease?

It is most common in people of Ashkenazi (Eastern European) Jewish descent and people of Saudi Arabian descent

What evidence of common descent can anatomy provide?

vjhdfhgzsdlghsdfhsd that was not the answer it is people

How do you put a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent. in kid words?

a community or population made up of people who share a common cultural background or descent.

What is the difference between being Jewish and being German?

German names are usually for people of German descent, and Jewish names are usually for people of Jewish descent. Many Jewish surnames originated in Germany and are shared by both Germans and Jews.

What diseases and illnesses were common in Tudor people?

the plague was

Are green eyes common with German people?

no because German is italian

How were people of Austrian or German descent treated in World War I?

In Britain, Germans had a very difficult time in World War 1. Edit: they also had a hard time in australia and where considered aliens

Why are Amish called 'Pennsylvania Dutch'?

Amish people speak Pennsylvania German, but they are not called Pennsylvania German. Pennsylvania dutch are actually just any people of German descent who settled in Pennsylvania. When the Germans came to Pennsylvania, people thought they were saying "dutch" when they were actually saying "deutch" which means German.

Why did the federal government feel it was necessary to intern people of Ukrainian and German descent during world war 1?

Because of chrenoblyle