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Q: What are connected by ligaments?
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Why are ligaments not found in axial skeleton?

But ligaments are found in both. Bones are connected to bones with ligaments.

Bones in joints are connected by?


What are all the bones connected to?

tendons and ligaments

How are bones connected to bones?

with jointsor by the help of ligaments

How is bone connected to the muscle?

Muscles are connected to bones by tendons. Ligaments hold joints together.

What are ligaments connected to?

ligaments connect bone to bone ie across a joint

How do your muscles attach to your bone?

Muscle and bone are connected by tendons, whereas bone and bone are connected by ligaments.

Why do we have ligaments and tendons?

Because the ligaments keep the bones together and the tendons hold the muscles together.

Why snake can eat bigger animal?

because its jaw can unhinge and its jaw is not rigidly connected and it is Meryl connected by ligaments

Are skeletal muscles connected to cartilage?

yes it includes cartilage, ligaments, bone, and tendons

Tendons and ligaments?

Tendons are connective tissues that are seen at sites where a muscle is connected to a bone. Ligaments are stronger connective tissues that connect bones to other bones.

Are muslcles connected to bones by ligament or tendons?

No, ligaments connect bone to bone, while tendons connect muscle to bone.