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The consequences to human health are many. Altering a DNA goes as fatal as it sounds.

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Q: What are consequences to human health of extreme ozone layer depletion?
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How would the depletion of the ozone layer affect human health?

The depletion of ozone is in variance with human health. More UV's more deterioration.

What consequences are there from the depletion of coal?

there will be much less production of electricity, which is a fundemantal human need.

Points by which human health is affected?

Human health is not just affected by ozone depletion. Global warming can also lead to it.

How does the depletion of the ozone layer affect human health?

The depletion of ozone layer causes:skin cancerSuppression of immune systemEye cataract.

What are the consequences of depletion of resources?

When there is resource depletion in a community, the industries that used to run because of that resource may collapse. Layoffs and rising employment will come as a result of industrial collapse.

What are some consequences of the ozone begging depleted?

Ozone depletion is causing UV to come in. UV on human contact can cause skin cancer.

What are some consequences of the ozone being destroyed?

Ozone depletion causes various problems in human beings. Some of them are:Skin cancerCataractSuppression of immune system.

What are the health consequences of human trafficking?

Ehhh you get killed by a pimp

What arre some consequences of the ozone layer being depleted?

Depletion of ozone layer causes UV rays to pass though. These rays are fatal for human life.

What is an environmental change?

Environmental change refers to alterations in the natural world, driven by human activities and natural processes. Key factors include climate change, biodiversity loss, deforestation, pollution, ocean acidification, resource depletion, urbanization, and waste accumulation. These changes have far-reaching consequences, such as rising global temperatures, more extreme weather events, loss of biodiversity, disruptions in ecosystems, pollution, and threats to human health. Mitigating these impacts requires global cooperation, sustainable practices, and a commitment to preserving the health of our planet.

Is human health is related to the health of the environment?

If the health of the environment is compromised the human health will be affected in many ways.i.e gas population would cause respiratory infections. If the water is polluted aquatic life.i.e fish, crocodiles, hippos, and microorganism would suffer or die due to depletion of essential nutrients/gas such oxygen.

Why are scientists. concerned about the depletion or thinning of the ozone layer?

Scientists are concerned about the ozone depletion. It is because this depletion can cause extinction of human race.