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Q: What are consumptive uses of wildlife?
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What are the differences between consumptive use and non consumptive use of natural resources?

Consumptive resources are resources that are unable to be renewed or take a long period of time to do so. Non consumptive resources are resources like solar energy that don't use up any resources.

What are consumptive and Non Consumptive resources?

Ones that replace themselves and ones that don't.

What are consumptive?

Consumptive practices are the habits and behavior that contribute to the consumption of goods, food, services and other resources.

What is consumptive tourism?

Consumptive tourism involves tangible products extracted from the natural environment. ex: fishing

What are Consumptive practices?

Consumptive practices are the habits and behavior that contribute to the consumption of goods, food, services and other resources.

What is the difference between consumptive and nonconsumptive water use?

Consumptive water use is water that is use up. That has been consumed! Non consumptive use is water that isn't used up. Things like fishtanks or decoration intended fountains.

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What wildlife uses the dandelion and how is it used?

a bee uses the plant for polination and of course to make honey

What is Consumptive Heart Disease?

I do not know.....that is why I am looking here...

What characterizes rangelands?

Rangelands are characterized by the vegetation that is remaining in perennial cover due to low suitability for cultivation and annual cropping, although lands that are considered "arable" can still be converted into vegetative perennial cover. Rangelands are also characterized by the diversified outputs categorized as consumptive and non-consumptive and ecosystem services. Consumptive/non-consumptive outputs include meat and fibre (from livestock and wildlife), water quantity and quality, timber & fuel wood, minerals (including oil and gas), recreation, and biodiversity. Ecosystem services include climate amelioration (C-storage to offset greehouse gases), filtering pollutants (phyto-remediation of excess N/P) and maintaining three main functions: Energy flow, nutrient cycling/retention, and hydrologic functions.

What is consumptive heart failure?

Heat is pumping insufficient blood

What is a company logo?

The WWF - World Wildlife Federation uses a panda in its logo.