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Q: What are contraindications of COPD?
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Some contraindications for laxatives are: Rectal bleeding, vomiting, appendicitis, and abdominal pain.

Is copd the same as emphysema?

Emphysema is one type of COPD. There are others.

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Can coffee help with COPD?

Coffee can not help people with COPD. The only thing to help with COPD is medicines giving by a doctor.

What are some diets for people with COPD? is a very helpful page that discusses COPD and provides detailed infromation on how those with COPD can keep healthy.

What is the definition of the word contraindications?

The meaning of "Contraindications" is when the carrying out of a procedure in medicine, or a drug being administered to someone in deemed inadvisable.

What are the 3 types of contraindications In Massage therapy?

embolism, fevel, lice, and contagious disease would all be absolute contraindications, while strains, sprains, broken bones, and open wounds would be local contraindications.

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Are there any contraindications in using both homeopathy as well as drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist?

Never , But You can use one at a time that's good I am unaware of any contraindications to homeopathy, but it has not been proven effective. There are drugs a psychiatrist can prescribe that would have contraindications.

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what is the differencebetween copd and pulmonary fibrosis

What are my treatment options for COPD?

The best options for COPD treatment are to quit smoking and then to do as your doctor recommends. Surgery is not usually done with COPD, however, it is still an option.