

What are dark nebula?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: What are dark nebula?
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What is an absorption nebula?

An absorption nebula is a dark nebula, which absorbs all incident radiation without reemission.

What are examples of nebulae?

Planetary nebulae (the cat's eye nebula) Emission nebulae (the orion nebula) Dark nebulae (the horsehead nebula) Supernova remnant nebulae (the crab)

What are the different kinds of nebula?

Reflection, Hydrogen, Dark, Planetary, Supernova Remnants, Emission.

What do you call a cloud of dust and gas in space?

A clouds of dust and gas in space is called a nebula. Nebula sometimes turn into stars under the right conditions. There are many different classifications give to nebulas. These include ring, emission, reflection and dark nebulae.

What are the dark clouds in space?

The dark clouds in space are called absorption nebulas or dark nebulas. An absorption nebula is a cloud of gas and dust which blocks light from the regions of space behind it. As light from space reaches an absorption nebula it is absorbed by it and does not pass through. Absorption nebulas do not create their own light. It is hard to find an absorption nebula unless it is silhouetted against much brighter region of space.

What is a close nebula to Orion's nebula?

A nebula is a cloud of dust and gas in space. Some of the clouds block out the light from the stars behind. These are called dark nebulae. One of the best-known is the Horsehead Nebula. Other dust clouds reflect the light from the stars and shine brightly. These are called bright nebulae. : Edit: The Great Orion Nebula is M42. M43 is a close nebula close to M42.

What is difference between dark nebulae and bright nebulae?

Bright nebula are clouds of gas and dust that shine by reflected starlight. Dark nebula are clouds of dust and colder gas that can be seen by their silhouette against brighter objects behind them in the line of sight.

What are facts about nebulas?

They are made out of gas Their different colours depend on the kind of matter they consist of and what kind of matter the sun providing the light consist of. If not enough light passes through the nebula to illuminate it, it can sometimes be seen as a dark body covering stars behind, then called a dark nebula.

What Astronomy terms start with D?

· debris (junk - satellites, gloves, nuts, etc.) · dust

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Depends on you

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Dark nebula, welcome