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Q: What are deciduous molars replaced by?
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How many molars in child's mouth?

children have deciduous molars. they have 8 deciduous molars totally.(two molars per quadrant) maxillary right side-2 maxillary left side-2 mandibular right side-2 mandibular left side-2

What are milk teeth?

There are incisors (8), canines (4), and molars (8), generally smaller versions of the adult or permanent teeth. There are only 20 baby teeth compared to 32 adult teeth. The reason is that the 12 adult molars grow out behind the baby molars, not under them. The 8 baby molars are replaced by the premolars (biscuspid teeth), while the incisors and canines are replaced by their permanent versions.

Do your molars grow back?

Adult molars do not grow back. Infant molars are replaced by adult molars, so in a sense, infant molars do grow back.

Do cow have deciduous teeth?

Yes with the molars. But cows do not have upper incisors, just lower incisors.

How do you spell the thing in your mouth?

The "back teeth" are grinding teeth called molars. They come in after the deciduous molars, which are replaced by the bicuspids. The final or 3rd molars are called "wisdom teeth" and ordinarily only appear in the early teens or later.

What permanent tooth is not succedaneous?

succedaneous teeth are any permanent teeth replacing a deciduous teeth.they are the permanent incisors, cuspids and premolars replacing the deciduous incisors, cuspids and molars respectively.

How many monophyodont teeth in human?

Humans typically have 20 monophyodont teeth. These are the deciduous or baby teeth, which are eventually replaced by permanent teeth.

In humans the number of deciduous teeth?

20 -8 molars -4 canines -8 incisors

How many molers do you have?

Most people have 12 permanent molars. Children have 8 primary molars that are replaced by permanent premolars.

What baby teeth are supposed to fall out?

All of the baby teeth fall out and are replaced

I have the need for a partial plate for two molars What would be the cost?

I need two teeth (molars) replaced with a denture what would be the cost

What type of tooth is absent in a set of milk teeth?

Deciduous teeth consist of 20 teeth, : central incisor, lateral incisor and canine (A,B,C) and 1st and 2nd molar (D,E). But there are no premolars (formerly known as bicuspids) or 3rd molars (the late teeth commonly known as wisdom teeth).