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Most of them are bacteria and fungi.

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Q: What are decomposers organism group in to?
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Which organism recycles waste and dead material consumer or decomposers?

Decomposers are the organisms responsible for recycling waste and dead material, breaking them down into simpler components that can be used by other living organisms. Consumers are organisms that directly feed on other organisms for energy.

An organism that returns nutrients to soil are the?

Decomposers, like bacteria and fungi, break down organic matter, returning nutrients to the soil to be used by plants. This nutrient cycling process is essential for a healthy ecosystem.

What is An organism that get energy by breaking down the remains of dead organism?

it's decomposers

Which type of organism get energy by breaking down the remains of dead organism?


What organism absorbs food for energy?

decomposers and parasites

What organisms consume the dead body of an organism?


An organism that gets energy by breaking down the remains of dead organisms?

it's decomposers

Organism that break down waste and dead organism and retun the raw material to the environment?


What group is decomposers in?


What is an organism that be harmful to plants yet serve as decomposers?


What do you call an organism that recycles things?

There is no organism that recycles thing there are only decomposers and those break down the other DEAD organism.

If an organism eats decomposers is it a decomposer?

An organism that eats live or freshly killed decomposers is a consumer. That could be a rodent eating a mushroom or a bird eating an earthworm. If the decomposers that are being consumed are already dead and decaying, and if they are being reduced to basic nutrients, then the eating organism is a decomposer. It will probably be a bacteria or fungus or earthworm or fly maggot.